Jesse Cosby Center has provided the Cedar Valley community with outreach and development options, senior services, and volunteer opportunities. This organization promotes a stronger community, offering inspiration and help to many individuals and families and acting as a liaison between the community and available resources.
Senior Center
Gives our seniors the healthy benefits of maintaining a social lifestyle by social gathering, exercise groups, games, book club, mobile days, bible study, and much more.
Community Garden
Jesse Cosby collaborates with other nutritional programs
hosting community gardens to provide free produce and
hands-on gardening activities for the seniors and community members interested in volunteering and urban farming education.
Emergency Shelter & Food Assistance
This program when available will assign clients who are behind with Rent and Mortgage payments. This program is not always available and is limited to one-time assistance only.
24/7 Pantry
Jesse Cosby Center has a small pantry box outside of the center, for those individuals who need help with meals throughout the month.
Meals on Wheels
Jesse Cosby and NEIA3 partners to deliver meals on wheels to individuals in the community who are income eligible, provide healthy meals for homebound seniors, and people with disparities in the community.
Rent & Utilities Assistance
Incomed eligible families and individuals can receive assistance with rent and utilities. This program is in partnership with Black Hawk County, Operation Threshold, and Eastside Ministerial Alliance to help three times a year, between three organizations. We will also give other recourse in the community to be utilized.